How Often Should you train glutes for growth ?

Is it too much? is it not enough?

How much you train your glutes for the best growth is not a question we can answer in one sentence, unfortunately. What we can say, that it is most likely advisable to train the glutes and rest for 48-72 hours, that means to train them approximately 2 to 3 times a week. This is because the muscles need time to recover from the training. in this recoverytime the muscle is actually growing, cause through the training your muscle gets damaged. This little damage is a good thing, because it allows the muscle fibers to grow bigger.

So we can say that mostly we should train the glute 2 - 3 times a week. But how often to train the glute acctually is dependent on the individual person and depends also on the following factors:

  • consistency: Consistency is the key factor in muscle growth. this means, that you shouldn`t choose to train your glutes 3 times a week, if you can not keep that up for several weeks consistently.

  • How trained are you: As a beginner you have the best prerequisite, cause your muscels are not used to train, that means, your muscels will grow pretty fast, as long as you stay consistent. if you are trained more your muscels are already used to training, that means it can be more benefitial to find your perfect training volume and to discover, if training twice or three times a week works better for your glute.

  • How much volume: How often you train depends also on your trainingsvolume. Tendential your body gets more fatigue if you put more volume in one trainingsday. that means that if you want to put your trainingsvolume a bit higher, mostley you will profit of choosing 3 days per week, rather then 2 days a week.

  • How much sorness you experience: listen to your body signals! if your body feels super sore after every training, you are most likely not able to do progressiv overload, and without progressiv overload, your muscels will stop to grow. that means, that you should change something.

    If your body gets over a long time always to sore and you can`t progress, you should change your volume and/ or if possible your training days. Sometimes adding one day or removing one training day can help you to recover better, what will help you to progress and build your glutemuscles!


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