The best glute trainer - why the best workoutplan is made by yourself!

After trying many different glute workouts and researching a lot about the topic of glute growth, I started noticing a significant difference among various glute exercise programs. However, by reading the research and gaining deeper knowledge, I also noticed one common thing: everyone reacts differently to certain programs, volumes, sets, loads, and rep schemes. This led me to the conclusion that, essentially, every glute expert is both right and wrong.

This realization was both good and bad news. The bad news was that I still didn’t know the perfect program to effectively grow my glutes. The good news was that I could stop searching for a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, I needed to start learning more about my own body and find a sustainable way to make progress. This meant understanding my body better with each step and discovering which methods worked best for my glute growth.

My goal became to find an approach that helps me ask the right questions, effectively progress, and know which variables to change without derailing my glute growth. I identified the most important variables for growing the glutes and noted them down. I also recognized that different variables are changeable and individual. While researching, I found new theories and training methods that sounded very interesting. I started collecting science-based knowledge from trainers and scientists worldwide to understand different approaches and possibilities, while keeping in mind that these approaches might work better or worse for me.

My question then became: How can I start working out systematically on my glute growth, keep my progress on track, ask myself the right questions to know what to change next, and learn throughout my training to become my own personal coach?

This is when I decided to write a plan—not just a training plan, but one that helps me learn what works for me and makes me my own personal coach. This is why BootyTheory is not a workout plan or a promise of giving you the perfect glute growth program. BootyTheory is a tool to help you learn more about your body and your training, ask the right questions, and redirect your training to find the optimal way for yourself.


why is glute growth individual?